Twenty-two years ago, FAITH Colleges saw to the work of opening its doors to its first batch of learners. Our school’s objective was to make a difference in our nation’s development by nurturing competent, committed, and compassionate students ready to face anything in this fast-changing world.
Today, our school opens its doors once again in a very literal sense: resuming classes and activities on campus for the entire academic community after a worldwide disruption of more than two years. This alone makes our school’s 22nd Founding Anniversary all the more special as we renew our bonds with each other after significant time spent apart and away from our second home.

More than two decades on, our school’s purpose remains the same. Yet we are a very different institution today than when we started out twenty-two years ago. We confront new and complex challenges and are called to contribute to our community and nation in equally different and innovative ways. But there is no doubt in my mind that the nearly five thousand students, four hundred faculty and staff, and over twenty-six thousand alumni and program completers that represent FAITH Colleges will always be up to the task.

Since we opened our doors in September of the year 2000 to this very day, we have attracted bright minds and brave hearts. Collectively, we have proven that we are smart, skilled, talented, and resilient beyond measure. Together as one community we are and have always been strong—academic strong, athletic strong, even pandemic strong.
Together, we can show the world what it means to be FAITH STRONG.